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Monday, June 27, 2011

Change Beget Change?

Wow!  It has really been six months since my last submission.  End of November.  My favorite phrase holds true, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans!"  I swiped that from the movie, "Kuffs".  But, it holds so true.  Just when I was starting to ramp up on more writing, a minor life changing event occurred.  Sometimes, you just have to take care of family first.  It's all good however.  I've also changed jobs in the past month.  I'm hoping that this recent change will spark me into setting aside some time for actual writing.
My other favorite phrase is, "There is nothing as constant as change!"  I'm not sure where that one came from.  A quick Google search resulted in a link to, which is a great resource for writers.  It basically gives reference to Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher from the mid-500's B.C.  Amazing that we view change as being such a rapid constant in today's high technology world, and yet this fellow felt the same way over 2500 years ago.  Change not only reflects a new situation, but most importantly, new opportunities.  At least that's the way I like to view it.  Some people say that they "embrace" change.  While that might be true, they tend to truly grab onto change and hold on so tight that they never realize that they're just going along for the ride.  Kind of like a corked bottle riding around on the ocean's currents.  Or maybe they just grab onto the latest fad or trend.

Personally, I like to view a change in circumstances as an opportunity for instigating further change.  With my recent job change, I'm no longer in the regimented unionized routine that was enforced by my past employer.  It was nice while it lasted, it got me through some hard times.  It also became a routine, and I found that my initiative toward creativity was not what it used to be.  So, with my new circumstances, I think it's an opportunity for me to re-think my routine, and to find the time to write.  Which is what I'm doing now - writing.  (Actually, I'm shocked that I went without, for so long.)  I offer my humble apologies to my readers, and to myself.

I'll be making the time, and the effort to write more.  Into the fray!  Sound forth, and let loose the typing dogs of writing.  (Okay, a little cheesy, but I got a chuckle out of it.)