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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jezi's Delima Submitted

New Stats

It's been 9 days since my last posting and it looks like I'm making progress.  Here are the latest statistics in my social media marketing promotions:

Klout Score: 39 (+2) Page Loads for the past month: 611 (-29)
Twitter Followers: 83 (+13)
G+ Peeps Following: 84 (+2)

Overall, good improvements.  Nothing to really write home about but still a move in the right direction.  I've been focusing a lot on following others on Twitter and it's been paying off in obtaining new followers.  I think that if I can continue to keep the blog fresh, let everyone know what kind of progress I'm making as an author, and post my ongoing statistics - it should pay off in gaining a larger audience.
An Editor

I think I might have found a professional editor this week.  After making some postings on a couple groups on LinkedIn, there were some good responses.  I specifically wanted to get someone with some Science Fiction experience since that's the market that I'm aiming for.  I'm currently discussing a review of one of my stories with the editor via email.  I'll let you all know how that goes.

A Submission

I'm pretty happy with the story that I submitted to the Writer's On the Sound writers' conference last month.  It didn't win any awards but I still think it's a strong short story.  One of my favorite markets that I've been reading a lot of is the Daily Science Fiction site.  They send out a short science fiction story every day via email.  I've learned of some pretty cool authors there during the time that I've been reading.  Which I think has been around 2 years now.  Anyway, I submitted Jezi's Delima to them today with the hope that they like it enough to publish it.  I'm tracking my submission via Duotrope.  I highly recommend any author who wants to get published to use Duotrope for finding their market and then for tracking their submissions.  It's a great service!

As soon as I find out the results of my submission I'll posted it here for all to see.

More Writing

I'm targeting my series of short stories about Zegin (Super Geek Spaceship Troubleshooter) for the Amazon eBook market.  The first story (Zegin's Infection) was written several years ago and I've had some great feedback from various readers (Thanks Chris).  I'm now working on Zegin's Abduction and I hope to have it completed by the end of this week.  With edits from a professional editor and some professional cover art work, I hope that I can start to establish a quality set of stories available as eBooks for expanding my fan base and market.  I'll keep you all posted on the progress.

Who knows!  Maybe I'll be able to speak about my success next year at the Edmonds Writer's On the Sound Conference.  ;)

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