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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Air Born Manuscript Done!

The manuscript for Air Born is done! It's hard to believe, but I finally did it. 23 months of writing, 18 chapters, 67k words, and a ton of passion and dedication. When working a full time job, doing volunteer work, and taking care of family - it's hard to imagine being able to find the time to write a novel. I'm proof that it can be done.

However, the task is not done yet. I did the writing and a first pass edit. I've written a query letter and within the past week, I've received one "not interested" and I just turned it around and submitted to another agent today. It could be a couple months before I hear back.

What to do now? Keep on writing! I've already started on the outline for the sequel, "Air Storm." Plus, I have another short story in the works, called "The Pendant".

(Picture: Pleased to have typed "The End" at Red Cup Coffee in Mukilteo)

Short Stories
Speaking of short stories, I decided a few months back to utilize as a platform for hosting my stories. Instead of seeking to submit these to various publications, all while trying to crank out a novel, I decided to post these as freely available for reading. It's my way of giving back to the fan and writing community. Plus gain a little free exposure for my stories. You can find these at Enjoy! Recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Social Networking
One of the reasons this blog has seen so little love, is due to my ongoing postings via Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus - mostly on Twitter. I'm amazed, and thankful, for the fan base that's starting to build on Twitter. Anything I post about Air Born with #YA and #Urbanfantasy tags gets retweeted by a devoted group of followers. I personally have almost 5400 twitter followers. Which is not bad for almost 3 years of effort to grow my followers. The big surprise, however, is with the re-tweets. Thanks to the fans re-tweeting, my postings about Air Born are reaching over 300,000 twitter accounts. Wow!

It's Social Networking - Not Social Selling!
If you're following me on twitter, you know that I'm not interested in trying to hard sell my books or stories. I totally believe in using the social networking platforms for establishing relationships with my followers and letting them discover who I am as a writer. Personally, I don't appreciate it when I follow another author and I immediately get a direct message from them, asking for me to check out their book. Now, I will admit, I've personally purchased a couple books due to finding out about them via the twitter postings. But, I still not appreciate the feeling of the only reason someone engages me on Twitter is so they can start advertising to me.

I also make it a point to thank each and every single one of my followers. Originally, I did this via a tweet. But, I felt it was pretty annoying for my other followers to see a blast of 20+ new thank you messages show up in their feed on a regular basis. So, now I thank my followers via a direct message. It's more personable and less of a "spammy" posting.

If you're interested in following my postings, you can find me at:
Twitter: @TimothyTrimble

Air Born Plans?
While I'm making a couple attempts to seek representation from an agent, if it doesn't pan out, I'll be taking the indie route. While I do prefer the control and flexibility presented by independently publishing, I just don't have the time to conduct the level of marketing and promotions necessary to make an indie title succeed. I could be wrong about that however. I'll test the waters with a few queries. If that doesn't pan out, I'll turn Air Born over to my personal editor, spend a few months doing the edits, and then publish via eBook and Print-on-Demand.

I do have plans for introducing something new into the book which I've not seen done before. Kind of  a integration of another supplemental media for setting the tone and mood of the story. I'm not quite ready to announce this yet, but I hope it's groundbreaking and will raise the bar for indie publishing, and interaction with the fans.

 Well, that's my quickie blog posting for now. I hope to do some more postings in the near future with progress of Air Born and the sequel.

Thanks for reading.

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