Hard to believe I've finally hit this milestone! I submitted Air Born to Amazon/CreateSpace this morning. It has been over three years since this adventure began with the writing of "Love Is in the Air", a short story for the Edmonds Write On the Sound Writers Conference. This story has been floating (pardon the pun) around in me ever since I was a kid, and now it's about to take on a life of its own.
I am so thankful for all the support, feedback, comments, and love I've received during this journey. My family, friends, workmates, beta readers, associates, and yes - even strangers on the street, have contributed to the growth of this novel. The 3rd draft has been sitting on inkitt.com/stories/69552 since early May and has received 877 reads as of today. I've handed out over 700 wallet cards to strangers, friends, and free little libraries. The beta readers have ranged from 11 years old up to 60's. Early reviews have been 5 stars and everyone says they can't put it down once they start reading. I'm trying not to let my level of excitement project grandiose fantasies of success. But it is satisfying to hear such positive comments from everyone.

Air Born Around the World!
I'm going to try something a little different with the official Proof Copy of the book. In this copy, and this copy only, is the following explanation:
I’ve always wanted to travel and see the world. There have been a
few trips over the years – England, Singapore, Mexico, and Canada. Currently,
I’m still land locked in the U.S. But, through you, the reader of Air Born, I
have an opportunity to travel and see the world.
This is my personal “Proof Copy” of Air Born. First one off the
press! I’ve placed this in a Little Library in Edmonds, Washington.
Help me make the journey around the world. Here’s how you can
1) Read Air Born.
2) Sign it under the Reader Notes.
3) Take a picture or video of you, showing the cover of Air Born, in front of a unique, identifiable, location. (Please keep it PG rated.)
4) Send me the photo/video to: airborntraveller@gmail.com
5) Give the book to someone else who is travelling, would like to read it, and is willing to help in this journey.
I’ll post your picture/video on my writing blog at www.timothytrimble.com
I’m not a rich man, but I will send a personally signed copy of
Air Born to the submitters with the most popular postings.
Thank you for reading and travelling.
I'll be sure to announce and post the video of launching Air Born into the wild here and on my other social media channels.
What's Next?
It's till a challenge with juggling all that I have going on. Between full time work, volunteer community work, family, and marketing of Air Born, there's not a lot of extra time left. However, I have started on the next Zegin's story. The next two are completely outlined. And, the Air Born fans will be happy to learn I've started the outline for the sequel, "Air Storm".
Until the next blog post, you can still keep up with my progress at:
Twitter @TimothyTrimble
Keep on reading and writing.