FileMaker Pro Design & Scripting for Dummies - Q2, 2006 (ISBN 0-471-78648-9), Wiley Publications
Available at Amazon.com
Get the scoop on designing databases for Mac and Windows (Description from Amazon.com)
Use FileMaker Pro design and scripting to quickly, easily build databases that solve real problems
FileMaker Pro has grown up, and it's better than ever! This easy-to-use guide shows you how to design a great FileMaker application, build a database that works, add the functionality you need, populate your database, and venture into programming with ScriptMaker. You'll find out how to share and protect your database, too.
Discover how to
* Build a layout that works
* Create custom triggers and calculated fields
* Generate reports automatically
* Manage security
* Publish your database on the Web
* Embed pictures, sound, and video
Use FileMaker Pro design and scripting to quickly, easily build databases that solve real problems
FileMaker Pro has grown up, and it's better than ever! This easy-to-use guide shows you how to design a great FileMaker application, build a database that works, add the functionality you need, populate your database, and venture into programming with ScriptMaker. You'll find out how to share and protect your database, too.
Discover how to
* Build a layout that works
* Create custom triggers and calculated fields
* Generate reports automatically
* Manage security
* Publish your database on the Web
* Embed pictures, sound, and video
From the Back Cover
Get the scoop on designing databases for Mac and WindowsUse FileMaker Pro design and scripting to quickly, easily build databases that solve real problems
FileMaker Pro has grown up, and it's better than ever! This easy-to-use guide shows you how to design a great FileMaker application, build a database that works, add the functionality you need, populate your database, and venture into programming with ScriptMaker. You'll find out how to share and protect your database, too.
Discover how to
- Build a layout that works
- Create custom triggers and calculated fields
- Generate reports automatically
- Manage security
- Publish your database on the Web
- Embed pictures, sound, and video
4 Stars - A good book for FileMaker "users" wanting to become "developers",
When choosing a book of this type, it's important to realize who the target audience is.
The overwhelming majority of FileMaker Pro users are beginners in database design and development. Most of these people have either read the manual or figured out the basics on their own, and can wield FMP as an office productivity tool just fine. (If you are purchasing this book, and have not read the FMP manuals, I suggest that you do so, they are well written, not painfully long, and quite useful to get started.)This book is aimed at helping people get to the next step; from office productivity user to fledgling developer, and it serves that purpose very well.
If you want to learn more about design and scripting in FMP, then buy this book. After you've mastered this material, go for some of the more advanced texts out there.
4 Stars - Excellent book for beginning Filemaker projects and beyond,
I found this book to be very informative and helpful. It walks you through the steps to setting up a database with tables and layouts and starting script writing. I liked the humor thrown in. Reading and following the examples helped make alot of sense out of what the book was trying to accomplish, which was setting up the database.
5 stars - Wonderful beginner book, May 18, 2007 by C.Boorse (Portland, OR)
in doing my research of filemaker pro, i came upon this book. my experience with the dummies series has always been excellent. his book was easy to understand with a hysterical sense of humor. i use the book continually as a reference. i ended up taking a class on filemaker pro which i highly recommend. sometimes you just need someone in front of you to be able to ask questions.
one note... in the beginning of the book, the author stated, "FileMaker provides full, multiuser support for up to five users without requiring the user to add any additional licenses or patches." that statement is misleading. i understood that statement to mean one license would allow five user. not true! as long as each computer attempting to view the same file has a unique license number, five users can access the same file at the same time. if more than five users at a time are going to be using the file, you'll need to buy filemaker server. that is my only complaint. other than that, fabulous!
Support files for "FileMaker Pro Design & Scripting for Dummies"
File | Description |
Dicey Start | Chapter 3: Dicey demo |
Dicey Completed | Chapter 3: Completed dicey demo |
Formatting Start | Chapter 3: Formatting demo |
Formatting Completed | Chapter 3: Completed Formatting demo |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 3: HeyLookAtMe! demo |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 3: Completed by end of chapter. |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 5: Starting |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 5: Completed |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 6: Starting |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 6: Completed |
Products | Chapter 6: Products demo |
Products | Chapter 6: Products completed |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 8: Starting |
HeyNeighbor | Chapter 8: Start |
HeyNeighbor | Chapter 8: HeyNeighbor completed |
FormMover | Chapter 8: FormMover demo |
ShipMover | Chapter 8: ShipMover demo |
HeyLookAtMe | Chapter 10: Starting |
CoolStuff | Chapter 13: CoolStuff |
TechResearch | Chapter 13: TechRelearch Notes demo |
CoolStuff Movie | Chapter 13: The movie file used by the CoolStuff demo. |