What an amazing week it has been! Air Born became available on Amazon.com 12 days ago. Already there have been copies sold, a five star review posted, a reading/signing has been scheduled, and bookstores have been visited.
It's been crazy busy. Remind me not to plan a vacation trip right after a book launch. On top of tracking new sales, and checking for reviews - I've been socializing from Twitter and Facebook.
Most people I speak with are amazed I've been able to do this while working a full time job, taking care of family, other responsibilities, and doing weekly volunteer work in the local community. How? Well, one of these days I'll explain it in detail. In short form, I try to stay focused on the things most important to me. Faith, family, friends, work, and of course, writing. If there's any other time available for something else, it's just icing on the cake. Every now and then I squeeze in some TV time with my wife and friends. I no longer watch F1 racing (my guilty pleasure). I no longer play Eve-Online, which was a major time suck. I did get No Mans Sky and have sunk a few hours into it. But overall, I'm a writer, a "creative". I have to write. It's in my blood and my inner being. It's just something I have to do. So, I figure out how to make the time available to do it. And I'm proof that it can be done.
Reviews can make or break a book, and waiting for that first review is very nerve wracking. I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief when the first official review hit Amazon a couple days ago. Here it is:
"I can't wait for the next Born book comes out. I stayed up all night reading this book. Much different than his other writings. I really enjoyed the characters, tho Jewel kind of got lost somewhere...great concept, neat story line, this book leaves many questions that I'm looking forward to getting the answers in the next one. Very well written. It's a story line that can keep going yet never get boring. Thank you Tim for another entertaining story.
I purchased this book even though Mr Trimble and his family are dear friends to my family. Tell your mom hello for me. I hope she is still enjoying her hats. I believe that to purchase his books and review them honestly, is the best way I can support and show appreciation for his writing. Please let me know as soon as the next book comes out." (TY to Monkey) The Link.
And this morning a friend of mine sent me her comments directly:
"I just got back to Japan. Read the whole book on the flight over, and it was riveting. I especially like being able to en-visualize all the locations described being familiar with the PNW. And it was a perfect read while flying through the clouds on my flight home. Wow. Really good read! Looking forward to the next book!